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Andrew Nonn Torok was born on March 6, 1911, in Budapest, Hungary. After moving to the United States he resided in Riverside, Illinois. He earned his living as in importer. Andrew originally received his Masonic degrees in 1947 from Deak Ferenc Lodge in Budapest. When he attempted to resume his Masonic calling in the United States, he learned that the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Illinois did not maintain fraternal relations with his home lodge. On December 2, 1970, Brother Torok was elected to receive the Masonic degrees in Wayfarers Lodge No. 1001 in Evanston, Illinois.
Brother Torok then was initiated as an Entered Apprentice in Wayfarers Lodge on January 20, 1971. He was passed to the degree of Fellow Craft on April 21, 1971. Brother Torok was raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason in Wayfarers Lodge No. 1001 on May 12, 1971. Brother Andrew Nonn Torok was called from this earthly labors and joined the Supreme Architect of the Universe on March 9, 1996. Brother Andrew Nonn Torok was cremated, receiving a Masonic funeral service.
On December 2, 1970, Brother Torok was elected to receive the Masonic degrees in Wayfarers Lodge No. 1001 in Evanston, Illinois. Brother Torok then was initiated as an Entered Apprentice in Wayfarers Lodge on January 20, 1971. He was passed to the degree of Fellow Craft on April 21, 1971. Brother Torok was raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason in Wayfarers Lodge No. 1001 on May 12, 1971. Brother Andrew Nonn Torok was called from this earthly labors and joined the Supreme Architect of the Universe on March 9, 1996. Brother Andrew Nonn Torok was cremated, receiving a Masonic funeral service.
Brother Andrew Torok was a long time lover of Masonic research and education. He was He was a founding member of the Illinois Lodge of Research in 1976. At the time of his death, Brother Torok left a substantial bequest for the furtherance of Masonic research and education in Illinois.
The Andrew Torok Foundation
In his last will and testament, signed in September of 1995, he made a bequest to the Masonic Secretaries Association to “organize and establish a ‘not-for-profit’ organization as provided for by the Internal Revenue code.” The funds from this bequest were used to found the Andrew N. Torok Foundation.
The purpose of the Andrew N. Torok Foundation was two-fold. The first was, “to encourage and promote the study and research of the nature of Freemasonry, it's history, and philosophy.” The second purpose of the Andrew N. Torok Foundation was, “to disseminate the results of those studies among Masons and non-Masons by lectures, printed materials, scholarships, awards, and prizes, inside and outside the United States.”
In furtherance of this latter purpose, the Illinois Lodge of Research awards the Andrew N. Torok Award to a member or non-member of the Illinois Lodge of Research who furthers the mission of the Illinois Lodge of Research by either long-term service to the Illinois Lodge of Research, or, exemplary service to the Illinois Lodge of Research on a short term.
The Andrew N. Torok Foundation has advanced funds for the operation of the library of the Illinois Lodge of Research located in Normal, Illinois, and has funded speakers for the Masonic Secretaries Association dinner during the annual communication of our Grand Lodge in October of each year. The Foundation has also helped to fund speakers of Masonic interest at other events sponsored by Masonic organizations.
Under the terms of the bylaws of the Andrew N. Torok Foundation, its members consisted of the members in good standing of the Illinois Lodge of Research and the Masonic Secretaries Association. The leadership of the Andrew N. Torok Foundation was given to a three brother Board of Directors. Membership on the Board of Directors was vested in one brother from the Illinois Lodge of Research, one brother from the Masonic Secretaries Association, and one brother to be appointed by the Most Worshipful Grand Master of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of the State of Illinois. The current members of the Board of Directors of the Andrew N. Torok Foundation are RW Brother Scott Dueball, the Chair of the Grand Lodge Education Committee, W Brother Tom Bachochin, representative of the Masonic Secretaries Association, and W Brother Mark Welch, the current Worshipful Master of the Illinois Lodge of Research, representative of the Illinois Lodge of Research.
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