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Bio - Spencer Hamann has a vast and varied set of skills and interests, and boundless curiosity. Drawing inspiration from his love of music and engineering at an early age, Spencer began apprenticing to learn the luthier’s art as a high school freshman in 2003. He graduated from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee in 2011 with a Bachelor’s of Fine Arts in Musicology, focused on Organology. He now works professionally as a luthier, managing workshops in Illinois and Wisconsin, completing repairs and restorations of fine string instruments, and providing education on instrument history and maintenance. Spencer also enjoys performing music on a variety of instruments, is an avid collector of fine tools, frequently takes commissions for custom work within woodworking, and restores typewriters and bicycles among other antiques. Curatorship and adding value are core to his personal philosophies. Spencer was Raised in 2013, served Libertyville Lodge No. 492 as Worshipful Master from 2017-2018, is the current Senior Warden of Spes Novum Lodge No. 1183, and serves the Grand Lodge of Illinois as their Grand Representative to Wisconsin, District Education officer for the 1st NE District, and is a Certified Lodge Instructor (CLI).
Travel - I am willing to travel anywhere. I would ask for reimbursement of required flights or lodgings.
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Symbolism Within The Goose & Gridiron - In relation to the founding of the first Grand Loge in England.
30 Minutes
A Sacred Geometry Primer
30 Minutes
A general primer on the topic of Alchemy within Freemasonry and other sciences.
Symbolism in Playing Cards - Symbolism & Esoterica; can be adjusted anywhere from a 30 minute overview to a multi part presentation of four 60 minute sections
Can be adjusted and tailored into short overview sections or longer lectures covering a variety of focuses including history, archetypes, artwork & symbolism, major arcana or select major arcana, minor arcana or select minor arcana, music, etc. Let's discuss the intended audience and what would be a good fit.
1 Hour
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