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Bio - He does one thing well: he tells stories. Sometimes, that’s in person. Sometimes it’s online. Sometimes it’s in the check-out line at Jewel. No matter where that story happens, his only job is to disappear into the telling of it, into the story itself, like the reader. To get lost in it. To see what happens. Christopher “Bull” Garlington is an award-winning author and journalist. He is a Past Master of Kelvyn Park-Willing Masonic Lodge, fand former District Education Officer for the Fifth Northeast District. He is a member of the Philaletes Society, and the Illinois Lodge of Research.
Travel - Willing to travel. If more than 25 miles, he will need to be reimbursed for mileage.
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A great presentation for all. Specifically takes aim at the 1st degree in Masonry.
A wonderful presentation about the Hero's journey, it's history, how it's applied and ultimately how it relates to us as Freemasons.
Appropriate for all degrees. An Inspirational talk.
Appropriate for all degrees.
Appropriate for all Fellowcrafts and above.
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